Tuesday, August 4, 2009

USA at last

I never posted the "We Made It To The Arctic Ocean!" picture--which they did. Note the lovely beard. While I was in Alaska, the beard made kissing DJ way too scratchy. He's said that he's keeping it through at least 1 Sunday at church down here--we'll see if he makes it through the heat. It's not a nice trimmed up beard. Oh no, not in any way. He's recently been called "Grizzly Adams." Yup, it'll fit in REALLY well here in Southern California.

I received a phone call from my better half (since he has over half the kids, of course he's the better half!) They made it back to the USA--continental one, that is. After months in backwoods Canada and Alaska, with just a few moments in civilized Anchorage, DJ is amazed by infrastructure, factories, and fountain drinks (I got to listen in on a conversation with a gas station in Canada where DJ was asking if it was a cultural thing why none of the Canadian stores had the fountain drinks).

For some animal updates--the grizzly that I thought was tearing up the log was NOT a grizzly, but a black bear (thanks Steve and Todd for the update).

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