Thursday, July 30, 2009

Glaciers--2 (or 26) If By Sea

We loved the Matanuska Glacier--however, it was a little grimy at the bottom. That was not the case for the Prince William Sound Glaciers we went to see. We went on a lunch cruise, and it was amazing. We had some rainy weather (not surprising--the get over 30 feet of snow in the winter--take that Cache Valley), but everything was misty and fabulous. The cruise took around 5 hours and we saw 26 glaciers during that time; we got within 1/4 mile of 3 glaciers.

DJ has always wanted to see a glacier chaffing (just teasing sweetheart! When we booked the cruise, he asked the phone attendant if we could see glaciers chaffing. She had a startled pause, and then responded--"Calving?") We definately saw, and heard, several. You'd hear a CRACK first of all, and then see snow and ice start to fall down the slope/into the ocean. I couldn't figure out Picasa well enough to get these in order, but we've got a 6-picture "this is how it happened" sequence. The amazing thing is that the icebergs are blue as well.

What's being out on the ocean without seeing wildlife. We were looking at a glacier, when the kids shouted out--"There's some seals!" Yes, harbor seal were laying on the ice. We also saw several sea otters floating along--I'd hate to be in that water!

Finally, here's a few other pictures from our tour--the kids all got to take a picture at the wheel of the ship (Josh even got to press the button to go 3 degrees starboard). We enjoyed the hot chocolate, and even had (virgin) margaritas made from glacier ice. What a great end to my trip! The next evening DJ dropped Reagan and I off at the airport --it was 54 degrees in Anchorage, and 118 degrees in Palm Springs. Sigh.....

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