Thursday, July 30, 2009


Isn't it gorgeous? Mt. McKinley didn't want to show itself completely, but we were able to piece together the entire thing from a bunch of smaller shots--it was looming. Made me feel like a hobbit going through the Misty Mountains to Smaug's lair. However, it sure wasn't Mt. Doom--way too cold!

We loved seeing everything--we took the 13 hour round trip shuttle bus ride through the park and back. Our driver was a mid-60s (young right, Mom and Dad?) who chatted and told stories about the park the entire time, while driving a VERY large school bus at relatively high speeds on narrow winding roads. She'd slam on the breaks if anyone saw wildlife--we thought she was awesome. We saw moose, caribou, and that wolf (which was hunting about 2 feet from the bus).

While in Denali, we saw their sled dogs--Madi loved that. As they harnessed up the dogs for their demonstration, the 2 lead dogs went wild with their desire to get on their way. Reminded me of a certain, oldest daughter of mine who ALWAYS loves to be at the front.
As parents, on a trip, we were morally obligated to take goofy pictures of our kids with museum exhibits. Tre' loved his "attack of the wolf", while Madi had to hug her bear. Reagan did the climbing up to the Dahl sheep, but Tre' peeked over the top just as we were taking the picture.

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