Thursday, July 16, 2009

Canadian/Alaskan Wildlife

Oh no--it's not just moose and bears in Canada. You can also find shedding mountain goats, great horned owls, bison, and more shedding mountain goats. There's also the omnipresent bears. From my perspective, way, way, way too many bears. Especially when there's my husband and his camera around.

Here's a grizzly the family saw--you can see it rooting around in a rotting log--then you can see the dust fly as it digs in--and then you can see it looking around at DJ, who's not in car because he needs to take a picture. Fun, huh?

Reagan 's the next subject here--with a mama bear and cubs. I'll admit they are cute--but that mama is looking at Reagan with the look of "Stay away you idiot!"

In general everyone needs a picture by a bear to be complete, right? WRONG! Of course, I wasn't invited on this portion of the trip.

And finally, you have my all time-favorite sequence (at least from a story telling perspective--this is a least favorite from the mother side of me.) Tre' was out being photographed by a bear when the bear decided to come over to the van. DJ yelled at Tre' to get in, which he did, but as the bear got closer, and closer, you can see Tre' peering out the window. This bear came right up to the side of the van looking for handouts. Thank goodness Tre' has a bit of my self-preservation instinct!

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