Thursday, July 16, 2009

Canada--It's A Rather Pretty Place, Eh?

Yes, they made it --- You can see all the provinces they traveled through on the Alaska Highway--ending with the State of Alaska. DJ ran into a little problem. We had the passports for everyone, but since I wasn't with them, both times he crossed the border, he had to answer questions about why he didn't have an approval letter. I'll bring one up to him!

One of the preparations we made was for Watson Lake. Some time ago, someone put up a sign saying their name and how far it was to their home town. Of course the Risk's made a sign--they made two!!! When I was looking at these pictures, I called DJ up and asked him if I was a part of the family--he pointed out that I was on the bottom sign. It says "Mommy stayed home." While there, DJ looked up, and say a sign from the Greiners, neighbors of his from Iowa. Of course we had to include that.

Of course because this trip's theme is "Arctic or Bust," we have to include the first bust. DJ started having electrical problems after driving through the waterfall (Imagine that!). He was coming on the 4th of July, so he took off for Canada, since it wasn't a holiday there. Didn't make it all the way, so we love AAA! Obviously, he made it back on the road.

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