Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Everybody Poops

Well, not everybody. At least not until today. But JOSH FINALLY POOPED!

Actually, I got an email from DJ which I've included:

----- Original Message -----
From: D.J. Risk Jr. [mailto:riskdj@earthlink.net]
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 2:25 PM
To: Heidi RiskSubject: Vac Belt

Where did you put the new Bissell Steamer Belts. Joshua had a very big "accident?"


Heidi Risk
D.J. Risk Jr.
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 2:53 PM
Subject: RE: Vac Belt
Laundry room; I think it’s on the left side above the washer. Do I want to know what TYPE of accident?


Lets just say it is 25 locations from Reagan's room around her bed over stuffed animals, rugs, books through the hall into her bathroom. He will be sitting on the toilet until you come home or he decides to poop in the toilet.


DJ left to clean up with Oxi-Clean, the carpet cleaner, and then Lysol. And yes, Josh "decided" to poop. He's now promising to use "the facilities" from now on.

The other 3 kids are up a camp. Sunday night, DJ and I were up late labeling every item (other than socks--I had to draw the line somewhere) with names. It's amazing how much stuff it takes to send the kids up there. I've been sending a letter a day, so hopefully they'll have mail. Madi's my biggest concern, because she tends to be a little more timid. I know you've all seen the "horse" in action, but when she first gets around new people, she retreats. I've no fear for Reagan, but we'll see. We even sent the kids up with disposible cameras; I wonder if we'll ever print the prints....


Jeff Janae & Crew said...

Yeah, you've joined the blogging world! And 3 cheers for the josh-ster.

Adventures in Petersonland said...

Classic - purely classic. Love it!! Reminds me of the time when DJ took all the kids on that roadtrip and Josh did that megapoo. Nasty.
