Monday, May 11, 2009

It's been a while--I know, I know. However, yet another entry for our smart "aleck" (you can substitute another word) family.

Yesterday was Mother's Day; it was the first year that the children-prepared meal was actually edible, and only one item was broken in the preparation of the meal. I had a great morning reading the cards, etc. Everyone got ready for church and we went a little early so DJ could catch the tail end of his meeting.

A meeting on Mother's Day? Yes, a correlation meeting (once a month meeting for the presidents of all the different organizations in the ward) was on the schedule, and heaven forbid that the schedule get messed up. After all, it's just Mother's Day. Why would anyone think that the mothers should not go in early, and that the fathers should stay home that morning to take care of the mothers. DJ did his standard take over the Primary and YW organizations with the Elders so that the sisters can go to Relief Society (I think it's year #5 now). However, the presidents had to go to correlation meeting.

We got there early because I was accompanying a special musical number that needed to practice and DJ was there to get the tail end of the meeting. He walked in, and the Bishop stood up to greet him. (None of the sisters were there by the way).

"Good morning! What took you so long?" was the Bishop's question.

"Well, it was Mother's Day and I had a wife to take care of," was his reply.

The Bishop sternly stated, "We all had wives to take care."

DJ blythely replied, "Well, I took care of mine."

Silence, then laughter (first from the younger gentlemen present, then after a shocked moment, the older ones joined in).

Yes, I was taken care of!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

LOL! Way to go DJ!!!