Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"Advanced Math"

I've been a fan for a VERY long time of the Staples commercial. This year it has special meaning. Yes, all four Risks are in school now!

We've had a lot of schedule changes; in fact, everyone but Josh has had their schedule rearranged. However, there's one that was the piece de resistance--Tre' came home from school yesterday, laughing as hard as he could. He went to school, and went to his first period to get his schedule; he looked around, and wasn't very impressed with the quality of the students there; when he looked at the board, it said "Advanced Math." Under it was written "9 + 2" That was the math problem he had to work on. When he looked around, he noticed some kids humming and at least one drooling on his desk. He sat there for an hour, in middle school hell, before going to his elective. He passed Reagan as he did so and muttered "They've got me with a kid that's drooling!"

When he got back to his "Advanced" math class, the teacher asked him how long he had been in special ed. "Never," was his reply. Well, what school and teacher did he have last year. He told them, and they asked if she was a special ed teacher. "No, she taught the GATE students," was his reply. The special ed teachers did a huddle and got him down to the office immediately for a schedule change. With the new school, evidently there was a slight snafu in the class assignments.

1 comment:

Adventures in Petersonland said...

steve and i DIED laughing when we saw this commercial on tv last week! so awesome how the kids are all PISSED as their dad prances around! HAHAHAHA! I LOVE IT!
poor tre! thank goodness they fixed that problem...9+2 being advanced?! i feel smarter already!