Friday, September 4, 2009


Al's one of our new favorite names around here. No, it's not Roker, not Franken, and definately not Gore. I think the name will grow on you as well.

We got the results of the state standardized testing back, and the kids all did really well. However, we were amazed by who got the highest scores in our family. Reagan's always done well with school because she's so determined to be the fastest and best; she holds the record for the most "5's" (equivalent to A's), and is the first to get a 4.0 and hold that GPA. Tre' is naturally bright in academic subjects--he instinctively understands what is being taught and can explain it to others as well; he still wants to be a teacher and he'll excel at that. Nobody in the family is surprised by their scores--they really reflect their known abilities.

However, our high scores belong to our little blond (in spirit). She's the one who'll be the cheerleader, and that will fit her perfectly. She's not the overly type-A personality of her mother and sister; in fact, she loves being sweet and loveable. When we made the grand announcement, Madi said, "So, does this mean I'm as smart as Al Frankenstein?" Huh? When she saw our faces, she said, "You know--the really smart scientist?" Oh yeah--Albert Einstein.

Yes Madi, you're as smart as Al Frankenstein.

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