Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Magical Fruit

Come on--you know the saying...."Beans, beans, the magical fruit! Everywhere we go we like to toot!" OK--I didn't know it until my younger brothers reached a certain age, but everyone else knew it. There are wonderful magical properties to these. They DO make you toot, they're great for chili (yum--I'm in the mood for chili and breadsticks right now), and most of all, they are high in FIBER.

Oh yes, fiber is a big topic for discussion in our family. Yesterday, DJ had significant pains in his stomach; it took me all day to get him to go to the doctor, and by then, it was too late to go anywhere for tests besides the emergency room. Picturing appendicitis, necrosis in his large intestines, etc., we headed over to the emergency room. They got him in quickly, but things take time, and it was 10 pm before we got the diagnosis: diverticulitis. It's frankly rather disgusting, but not deadly, and the way to remedy (after the infection is gone) is: FIBER. Lots, and lots, and lots of it. Best source of fiber: the magical fruit.

I think we'll love the tooting soon....

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