Thursday, October 30, 2008

DJ Strikes Again

This post is dedicated to, caused by, and in all ways devoted to DJ. No, not my better half, not by a long shot.

I work late, but last week I came home to blazing lights, a snorting husband, and one terrified 10-year old. DJ, my sweet, loving husband, father of four, and dedicated Sci-Fi channel bad movie aficionado saw that "Dawn of the Dead." a remake of "Night of the Living Dead" was on. He must have thought, "What a fun family night movie. Zombies are such an uplifting thing for my four impressionable children to watch. Let me TiVo it and show it to them. And to make it more fun, let me do it while my overprotective wife isn't there to stop me!" I'm sure that's what he was thinking. Well, they watched it. Tre' bolted upstairs a couple of times, but peaked through the bannister and finished it.

Later, DJ and Tre' had to pick up a couple of things for a Halloween costume, so went down the dark, scary back road to Target. Steve and Lindsay, your Benson road has nothing on our Indio road. We are at the edge of Joshua Tree National Park, and we can hear the coyotes at night as they chase......whatever. We have trees/bushes called tamarisks that are a desert version of a pine tree that were planted decades ago to stop the blowing sand; they're very frothy, but there's enough branches that no light can get through. These trees are planted down our back scary road. DJ started swerving towards the trees, turned off the lights, opened Tre's window and said, "What's that? It's moving in the bushes!" Tre', of course, tried to put the window up, and was batting at DJ to make him stop. While he was turned towards his loving father, DJ managed to get the window down and get close enough to the bushes for some fronds to come in the window and brush against Tre's face. Tre' was in the back of the van within a half-second. Yes, his father was laughing.

Today DJ drove me into work. When we're together, we qualify for the car pool lane, which is a big deal and saves a ton of time. There are only certain points of entry--otherwise, drivers are supposed to respect the double line to prevent people from going in and out and causing problems. A car darted across the double lines in front of us, and so DJ decided to teach them a lesson, and laid on his horn for a good 30 seconds. I was ducking my head and glaring, and finally, he stopped. Right after that, DJ noticed that the other lanes were moving more quickly than the carpool lane, so he exited (in a designated spot). From my experience, I knew that traffic would be backing up within a mile, and told DJ to get back in the lane. He didn't, for he was going faster than the car that came in front of us, which was directly to his side at that point. Of course, we came over the hill, and there was the typical morning traffic jam. By this time, we were back in the section of the double-lines, so we weren't supposed to enter. What did DJ do? I'll leave it to your imagination, but if you know him, you know what happened.

Yes, this post is dedicated to and inspired by my husband, DJ. I love you!

1 comment:

Adventures in Petersonland said...

Hmmm...this sounds vaguely familiar. Nebraska + cockroaches + trusting DJ to go downstairs barefoot amongst the dying roaches = evil laughing from DJ and yelling (not screaming) Steven not wanting to step on them...I feel Tre's pain. Isn't DJ terrified of Movies? Didn't E.T. scare him?

Yeah I remember driving back from watching The Ring 2 when DJ about crapped his panties when he saw the happy horse and the silly puddles. What a on kids...what is the world coming to? LOLOLOL